Vocal Compositions
Pieces are in alphabetical order. They can also be found by categoty: SATB Other Voicings
Contact Pat for titles that are P.O.P. (Permanently Out of Print)
Click on the highlighted link for audio and page samples.
All Nature’s Works His Praise Declare
SATB, Organ | 2:20 |
For Olivet United Methodist Church, Robbinsdale, MN, in honor of the National American Guild of Organists Convention, June 1980 |Text: Henry Ware | Flammer | 1979 | P.O.P.
At the Cross
2-part mixed, Solo
Text: Isaac Watts, Ralph Hudson, alt. | Source: Southern mountain tune | 2013 | Augsburg Fortress
Awake, Awake
SATB, Keyboard | c. 3:00 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Source: Wach auf! | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1981 | P.O.P.
Away In a Manger
Two-part Chorus of Young Voices, Piano, opt. C Instrument | 3:15 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt Hamberg | Source: Da untem in Tale | Lawson Gould/Music 70 Music Publishers/Warner Music Group | 1985 | P.O.P.
Christ the Lord Is Ris'n Again
SATB, Organ, 2 Trumpets | 2:30 |
Text: Michael Weisse, tr. Catherine Winkworth | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1979 | P.O.P.
Come, Christians, Join to Sing
SATB, Organ | 2:30 |
For the Twin Cities Church Musicians’ Association |
Patricia Hamberg Hurlbutt | Text: Christian H. Bateman | 1989 | GIA
Come, Christians, Join to Sing
SATB, Keyboard | 1:30 |
Text:Christian Henry Bateman | Source: English folk song | Shawnee Press/alfred | 1982 | Available from J. W. Pepper
Come On! Let's Go to Bethlehem
SATB, Keyboard | 2:15 |
Hinshaw Music | 1976 | P.O.P.
SSATB, String or Electric Bass (or Keyboard) | 3:30 |
a jazzy setting of the Nicene Creed | 1976 |
Follow the Star
SA, Piano, opt. Orchestra Bells | 4:30 |
For the Girls Glee Club, Prairie Community School, Gowrie, Iowa; Mary Egger, Director | 1979 | Beckenhorst Press
Follow the Star
SAB, Piano, opt. Orchestra Bells | 4:30 | 1979 | Beckenhorst Press
Give to Our God Immortal Praise
SATB | 1:15 |
Text: Isaac Watts | Hope Publishing Company | 1975 | P.O.P.
God Is With Us
Two part, Keyboard | 3:30 |
Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1979 | P.O.P.
Hallelujah, Jesus Lives
SATB, Organ, 2 Trumpets | 2:15 |
Text: C. B. Garve, tr. J. L. Borthwick | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1979 | P.O.P.
TTBB, Piano |
For the Conductor’s Club, NYC, NY, An Association of Glee Club Conductors |
Patricia Hurlbutt Hamberg | Text: Robert Burns | 1984 | Available from composer | Listen
Holiday Joys
SATB, Piano | 2:30 |
Cecil Kent (Pat Hurlbutt) | Shawnee Press/Hal Leonard | 1981 | P.O.P.
I Lay My Sins on Jesus
SATB, Keyboard, (key of D) opt. Flute | 3:25 | Text: Horatius Bonar | Tune: “Munich” | Glory Sound | 1982 | P.O.P.
I Lay My Sins on Jesus
SATB, Keyboard, (key of Eb),opt.Clarinet | 3:25 |
Pat Hurlbutt | Text: Horatius Bonar | Tune: “Munich” | Available from composer | Peruse
I Love Thee, I Love Thee
SATB, Keyboard | 2:30 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Source: Ach, englische SchaferinI | Harold Flammer/Hal Leonard | 1979 | P.O.P.
In Heavenly Love Abiding
SATB, Keyboard | c. 2:30 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Text: Anna Warig | Source: Mir ist ein schonsbrauns Maidelein | Hope Publishing Company | 1981 | P.O.P.
Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring
SA, Piano or Organ, 2 Flutes | c. 2:30 |
Text: G. Thring |Schmitt Publications/Alfred | 1977 | P.O.P.
Let Every Heart Awake and Sing
Two part, Keyboard, opt. 3-octave (+) Handbell Choir | 3:15 | Text: Coelius Sedulius, tr. Ellerton | 1981 | Beckenhorst Press
Little Old Man
SATB, Piano | 3:30 |
Cecil Kent (Patricia Hurlbutt)| Curtis House of Music/Kjos | 1981 | P.O.P.
Love Never Ends
a meditative passacaglia
SATB | 3:30 |
Text: 1 Corinthians 13 | 1978 | Beckenhorst Press
Mini Musical
Unison Chorus, Piano
For Northern Star Toastmistress Club on the occasion of its Twentieth Year Anniversary | 1978
My God, I Am Thine
SATB | 2:00 |
Patricia Hurlbutt Hamberg | Text: Charles Wesley | Tune: “Harwich” | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1983 | P.O.P.
My Jesus, I Love Thee
SATB | 2:30 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Text: William Featherstone | Source: Erlaube mir | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1979 | P.O P.
My Song Shall Be of Jesus
SATB, Keyboard | 2:15 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Text: Fanny Crosby | Source: “49 Deutsche Volkslieder” | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1980 | P.O.P.
O Jesus, I Have Promised
SATB, Piano or Organ | c. 3:00 |Tune: German folk song | Text: John E. Bode | |1979 | Beckenhorst Press
O Praise Ye the Lord
SATB | c. 2:00 |
Patricia Hamberg | Tune: “Houghton,” H. J. Gauntlett | Text: Henry W. Baker | H. W. Gray Publications | 1984 | P.O.P.
Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty
SATB | 2:45 |
Text: Benjamin Schmolck, tr. Catherine Winkworth | 1983 | GIA
Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens Adore Him
SATB, Organ | 3:30 |
For the Twin Cities Choirmasters’ Association on the Occasion of its Fiftieth Anniversary | Text: Foundling Hospital Collection, St. 3, Edward Osler | 1983 | GIA
Seek After God
SATB, Piano | 3:30 |
Hope Publishing Company| 1975 | P.O.P.
Shine On, O Star
SATB, Keyboard | 3:00 |
Text: A. L. Skoog, Victoria Stuart | Flammer/Hal Leonard | 1982 | P.O.P.
Silent the Night
SA, Keyboard
Schmitt, Hall & McCreary/Alfred | 1977 | P.O.P.
Songs of Praise the Angels Sang
SATB, Organ or Piano | 3:00 |
For the Choir at Olivet United Methodist Church, Robbinsdale, MN |Text: James Montgomery | 1978 | Beckenhorst Press
Sumer Is Icumen In
SSAA, Piano and Orff Instrumentarium | 7:15 |
For the Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota
Patricia Hurlbutt Hamberg | Text: “Sumer Is Icumen In” | 1986 | Available from composer | Listen | Peruse
The Horse
SSA, Piano | 2:30 |
Text: James Stephens | 2015 | Santa Barbara Music Publishing "A whimsical poem inspired this strictly for fun piece. Musically sophisticated, it can appeal to all ages of treble singers."--SBMP
The Lord of Harvest
SATB, Keyboard | 2:30 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Text John Monsell | Source: Dem Himmel will ich klagen | McAfee Music Publication/Alfred | 1982 | P O.P.
The Snow-Storm
SSAATBB, Piano, 3 Trumpets, Percussion | 4:15 |
For the Junior High Honors Choir on the occasion of the North Central Division ACDA Convention |
Patricia Hurlbutt Hamberg | Text: Ralph Waldo Emerson | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1988 | P.O.P.
Together, Hand In Hand
Rysavy/Hurlbutt | Text: Paul Rysavy, Sister M. Monique Rysavy, S.S.N.D. | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1979 | P.O.P. | Available from MusicBook.org | Listen (recorded 1981 by the College of Saint Thomas Liturgical Choir)
We Thank Our Heavenly Father
SAB, Piano | c. 3:00 |
Tune: Swedish folk melody | Text: M. Claudius | Schmitt, Hall, & McCreary/Alfred | 1982 | P.O.P.
Ye Servants of God
SATB, Organ with opt. Piano | 2:30 |
Dedicated to the Twin City Choirmasters Association
Patricia Hamberg | Text: Charles Wesley | AMSI/Lorenz | 1986 | Lorenz
Ye Shall Have Peace
SATB, Keyboard | 3:00 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Text: Mrs. E. W. Chapman | Source: In Stiller Nacht | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1981 | P.O.P.
Click on the highlighted link for audio and page samples.
All Nature’s Works His Praise Declare
SATB, Organ | 2:20 |
For Olivet United Methodist Church, Robbinsdale, MN, in honor of the National American Guild of Organists Convention, June 1980 |Text: Henry Ware | Flammer | 1979 | P.O.P.
At the Cross
2-part mixed, Solo
Text: Isaac Watts, Ralph Hudson, alt. | Source: Southern mountain tune | 2013 | Augsburg Fortress
Awake, Awake
SATB, Keyboard | c. 3:00 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Source: Wach auf! | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1981 | P.O.P.
Away In a Manger
Two-part Chorus of Young Voices, Piano, opt. C Instrument | 3:15 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt Hamberg | Source: Da untem in Tale | Lawson Gould/Music 70 Music Publishers/Warner Music Group | 1985 | P.O.P.
Christ the Lord Is Ris'n Again
SATB, Organ, 2 Trumpets | 2:30 |
Text: Michael Weisse, tr. Catherine Winkworth | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1979 | P.O.P.
Come, Christians, Join to Sing
SATB, Organ | 2:30 |
For the Twin Cities Church Musicians’ Association |
Patricia Hamberg Hurlbutt | Text: Christian H. Bateman | 1989 | GIA
Come, Christians, Join to Sing
SATB, Keyboard | 1:30 |
Text:Christian Henry Bateman | Source: English folk song | Shawnee Press/alfred | 1982 | Available from J. W. Pepper
Come On! Let's Go to Bethlehem
SATB, Keyboard | 2:15 |
Hinshaw Music | 1976 | P.O.P.
SSATB, String or Electric Bass (or Keyboard) | 3:30 |
a jazzy setting of the Nicene Creed | 1976 |
Follow the Star
SA, Piano, opt. Orchestra Bells | 4:30 |
For the Girls Glee Club, Prairie Community School, Gowrie, Iowa; Mary Egger, Director | 1979 | Beckenhorst Press
Follow the Star
SAB, Piano, opt. Orchestra Bells | 4:30 | 1979 | Beckenhorst Press
Give to Our God Immortal Praise
SATB | 1:15 |
Text: Isaac Watts | Hope Publishing Company | 1975 | P.O.P.
God Is With Us
Two part, Keyboard | 3:30 |
Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1979 | P.O.P.
Hallelujah, Jesus Lives
SATB, Organ, 2 Trumpets | 2:15 |
Text: C. B. Garve, tr. J. L. Borthwick | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1979 | P.O.P.
TTBB, Piano |
For the Conductor’s Club, NYC, NY, An Association of Glee Club Conductors |
Patricia Hurlbutt Hamberg | Text: Robert Burns | 1984 | Available from composer | Listen
Holiday Joys
SATB, Piano | 2:30 |
Cecil Kent (Pat Hurlbutt) | Shawnee Press/Hal Leonard | 1981 | P.O.P.
I Lay My Sins on Jesus
SATB, Keyboard, (key of D) opt. Flute | 3:25 | Text: Horatius Bonar | Tune: “Munich” | Glory Sound | 1982 | P.O.P.
I Lay My Sins on Jesus
SATB, Keyboard, (key of Eb),opt.Clarinet | 3:25 |
Pat Hurlbutt | Text: Horatius Bonar | Tune: “Munich” | Available from composer | Peruse
I Love Thee, I Love Thee
SATB, Keyboard | 2:30 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Source: Ach, englische SchaferinI | Harold Flammer/Hal Leonard | 1979 | P.O.P.
In Heavenly Love Abiding
SATB, Keyboard | c. 2:30 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Text: Anna Warig | Source: Mir ist ein schonsbrauns Maidelein | Hope Publishing Company | 1981 | P.O.P.
Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring
SA, Piano or Organ, 2 Flutes | c. 2:30 |
Text: G. Thring |Schmitt Publications/Alfred | 1977 | P.O.P.
Let Every Heart Awake and Sing
Two part, Keyboard, opt. 3-octave (+) Handbell Choir | 3:15 | Text: Coelius Sedulius, tr. Ellerton | 1981 | Beckenhorst Press
Little Old Man
SATB, Piano | 3:30 |
Cecil Kent (Patricia Hurlbutt)| Curtis House of Music/Kjos | 1981 | P.O.P.
Love Never Ends
a meditative passacaglia
SATB | 3:30 |
Text: 1 Corinthians 13 | 1978 | Beckenhorst Press
Mini Musical
Unison Chorus, Piano
For Northern Star Toastmistress Club on the occasion of its Twentieth Year Anniversary | 1978
My God, I Am Thine
SATB | 2:00 |
Patricia Hurlbutt Hamberg | Text: Charles Wesley | Tune: “Harwich” | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1983 | P.O.P.
My Jesus, I Love Thee
SATB | 2:30 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Text: William Featherstone | Source: Erlaube mir | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1979 | P.O P.
My Song Shall Be of Jesus
SATB, Keyboard | 2:15 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Text: Fanny Crosby | Source: “49 Deutsche Volkslieder” | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1980 | P.O.P.
O Jesus, I Have Promised
SATB, Piano or Organ | c. 3:00 |Tune: German folk song | Text: John E. Bode | |1979 | Beckenhorst Press
O Praise Ye the Lord
SATB | c. 2:00 |
Patricia Hamberg | Tune: “Houghton,” H. J. Gauntlett | Text: Henry W. Baker | H. W. Gray Publications | 1984 | P.O.P.
Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty
SATB | 2:45 |
Text: Benjamin Schmolck, tr. Catherine Winkworth | 1983 | GIA
Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens Adore Him
SATB, Organ | 3:30 |
For the Twin Cities Choirmasters’ Association on the Occasion of its Fiftieth Anniversary | Text: Foundling Hospital Collection, St. 3, Edward Osler | 1983 | GIA
Seek After God
SATB, Piano | 3:30 |
Hope Publishing Company| 1975 | P.O.P.
Shine On, O Star
SATB, Keyboard | 3:00 |
Text: A. L. Skoog, Victoria Stuart | Flammer/Hal Leonard | 1982 | P.O.P.
Silent the Night
SA, Keyboard
Schmitt, Hall & McCreary/Alfred | 1977 | P.O.P.
Songs of Praise the Angels Sang
SATB, Organ or Piano | 3:00 |
For the Choir at Olivet United Methodist Church, Robbinsdale, MN |Text: James Montgomery | 1978 | Beckenhorst Press
Sumer Is Icumen In
SSAA, Piano and Orff Instrumentarium | 7:15 |
For the Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota
Patricia Hurlbutt Hamberg | Text: “Sumer Is Icumen In” | 1986 | Available from composer | Listen | Peruse
The Horse
SSA, Piano | 2:30 |
Text: James Stephens | 2015 | Santa Barbara Music Publishing "A whimsical poem inspired this strictly for fun piece. Musically sophisticated, it can appeal to all ages of treble singers."--SBMP
The Lord of Harvest
SATB, Keyboard | 2:30 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Text John Monsell | Source: Dem Himmel will ich klagen | McAfee Music Publication/Alfred | 1982 | P O.P.
The Snow-Storm
SSAATBB, Piano, 3 Trumpets, Percussion | 4:15 |
For the Junior High Honors Choir on the occasion of the North Central Division ACDA Convention |
Patricia Hurlbutt Hamberg | Text: Ralph Waldo Emerson | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1988 | P.O.P.
Together, Hand In Hand
Rysavy/Hurlbutt | Text: Paul Rysavy, Sister M. Monique Rysavy, S.S.N.D. | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1979 | P.O.P. | Available from MusicBook.org | Listen (recorded 1981 by the College of Saint Thomas Liturgical Choir)
We Thank Our Heavenly Father
SAB, Piano | c. 3:00 |
Tune: Swedish folk melody | Text: M. Claudius | Schmitt, Hall, & McCreary/Alfred | 1982 | P.O.P.
Ye Servants of God
SATB, Organ with opt. Piano | 2:30 |
Dedicated to the Twin City Choirmasters Association
Patricia Hamberg | Text: Charles Wesley | AMSI/Lorenz | 1986 | Lorenz
Ye Shall Have Peace
SATB, Keyboard | 3:00 |
Brahms/Hurlbutt | Text: Mrs. E. W. Chapman | Source: In Stiller Nacht | Curtis Music Press/Kjos | 1981 | P.O.P.